MDOT Names New Chief Operations Officer

MDOT Director, Kirk Steudle, has announced that Greg Johnson, MDOT’s Metro Region Engineer, will replace Larry Tibbits as Chief Operations Officer.

Greg joined MDOT in 1989 after working six years for the City of Battle Creek.  He worked in the Kalamazoo project office as a resident engineer for six years, and was promoted to TSC manager, serving from 1997 to 2002.  In 2002 Greg was appointed Deputy Region Engineer for the Metro Region, and in 2003 he was promoted to Region Engineer.  Greg is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has a master’s degree in public administration from Western Michigan University.

“Greg brings an enormous amount of construction and operations experience and knowledge to this very important leadership position at the department”, said Glenn Bukoski, MITA’s vice president of Engineering Services, “We look forward to working with Greg and his staff as we tackle the many challenges we will face together in moving our industry forward.”

Greg will assume the position of Chief Operations Officer on April 1, 2009, when Larry Tibbits retires ending his 39+ years of service to the State of Michigan and MDOT.  As Chief Operations Officer Greg will oversee the seven MDOT regions, and all aspects of MDOT’s operational, project development, and project delivery functions.