

Community Advocacy

One of the most important ways we can accomplish our goal for adequate infrastructure investment is by engaging the public and getting the message out that we are in a crisis regarding our roads and bridges in Michigan. As Governor Snyder said, “[We are] living on borrowed time”.  We NEED

MITA Success…Original Signature NOT REQUIRED

As the administrative impact of MDOT’s “new” interpretation of MDOT BOHIM 2010-08 became known, specifically as it related to the requirement of an original signature on the submitted Materials Source List (Form 501), MITA immediately met with MDOT advocating for removal of the requirement.  MITA staff requested that MDOT reinstate

Comprehensive Update On The Status Of Transportation Funding

The government affairs team at MITA has been very active following Governor Snyder’s special message in late October.  Given the rapidly changing environment, MITA staff felt it was necessary to provide members an update on the status of the efforts to secure additional infrastructure dollars. The governor’s message called for

President Obama Signs Three Precent Withholding Repeal and Job Creation Act

This morning, President Obama, signed into law the Three Percent Withholding Repeal and Job Creation Act.  The law permanently repeals the requirement that federal, state, and large local governments begin withholding three percent of each payment of $10,000 or more to a contractor after Jan. 1, 2013. Today’s bill signing

Senate Approves 3 Percent Withholding Repeal

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted 95-0 to pass H.R. 674, legislation to repeal a requirement for governments of all levels to withhold three percent of nearly all payments for goods and services, including construction contracts, beginning January 1, 2013.  The legislation also makes adjustments to health care calculations that will

MDOT Releases Electronic Design Files

In a continuing effort to provide contractors a useful set of electronic design plans at the time of bid, MDOT has released their third round of pilot electronic design files for two projects in the December 2, 2011 letting (item #26 and #29). These Bentley MicroStation files, located on the

Prevailing Wage for Managerial and Professional Salaried Employees (i.e. Working Foreman)

MDOT continues their focus on prevailing wage compliance.  They have asked MITA to distribute the following information as a reminder about the payment of prevailing wages for the following types of employees: Managerial and Professional Salaried Employees (i.e. Working Foreman) The following excerpts were copied from the US Department of

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Extended …..

The Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax has been extended through September 30, 2012.  Taxpayers who became liable for the excise tax in July, August, September, and October 2011 must file Form 2290 by November 30, 2011. Click here to link to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website where you can download

Governor Rick Snyder Delivers Special Message on Infrastructure

Governor Rick Snyder Delivers Special Message on Infrastructure On October 26, Governor Rick Snyder delivered his important message regarding infrastructure funding at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield.  His message holds great promise for the heavy construction industry, and the state of Michigan as a whole. MITA staff is extremely pleased

“ATTENTION” MDOT Contractors ….

MITA staff has just learned that MDOT’s 2012 Pay Item Code Book (associated with the new 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction) contains a significant number of pay item code changes.  These pay item code changes are the result of several new pay items and the re-ordering of pay items incorporated

MITA Legislative Update

GOVERNOR SNYDER’S SPECIAL MESSAGE ON INFRASTRUCTURE Governor Snyder is expected to deliver his infrastructure message next Wednesday, October 26.  The message is expected to put Michigan’s Legislature and the public on notice of Michigan’s failing roads and bridges, and encourage the state to make much needed investments into the future

Summary of Changes – MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications

As MITA members began receiving their copies of the new MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction this week, several inquired about the availability of a summary document that highlights the changes incorporated from the 2003 edition of the standard specifications to the new 2012 edition.   Click here to view and print