
On January 26, 2023, MDOT released OneSpan, their new electronic signature tool. MDOT has now announced that OneSpan Release 2 is coming on April 6, and will include a ProjectWise/OneSpan Sign (PWOSS) Integration tool. The MDOT ProjectWise Support Staff will be offering four training sessions on the use of the

MDOT has issued a memorandum defining the construction suspension periods for the 2023 Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day holidays. Please click here to view the MDOT memorandum. If you have any questions, please contact any member of the MITA engineering team: Rachelle VanDeventer | rachellevandeventer@thinkmita.org Glenn Bukoski |

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 MITA was joined by representatives from the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Country Road Association of Michigan, the Detroit Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Municipal League to roll out a new report analyzing Michigan’s road infrastructure needs. Public Sector Consultants (PSC), a think tank

MITA’s Executive Vice President Robert Coppersmith and MITA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Lance Binoniemi were featured speakers at today’s infrastructure funding press conference in Lansing. Public Sector Consultants released the Michigan Transportation Infrastructure Needs and Funding Solutions report, and many media interviews followed. This page will be updated daily

LANSING, Mich. – Public Sector Consultants (PSC) released the Michigan Transportation Infrastructure Needs and Funding Solutions report today that found that Michigan faces a $3.9 billion annual funding shortfall to fix Michigan’s deteriorating roads and bridges. At a press conference Tuesday morning, leaders from Michigan’s road building industry and business community gathered to

WHMI 93.5 Local News, March 4, 2023 A local lawmaker is cosponsoring a bill to assist in the safety of Michigan’s road workers. House Bill 4132, cosponsored by Representative Mike Mueller of Linden, would add automated speed cameras to construction zones and stricter enforcement of work zone speed limits. The

MEDIA ADVISORY Public Sector Consultants releases new report examining Michigan’s road funding crisis Leaders gather to raise awareness on the issues facing Michigan’s transportation funding WHAT: Public Sector Consultants is releasing a new report, examining the road funding crisis that Michigan currently faces. They have spent the past year

MITA is standing with Ajax Paving of Florida and ARTBA in the “Suicide in Construction Awareness” proclamation and is urging our members to do the same. Ajax Paving of Florida President Vince Hafeli, Feb. 7 successfully generated signatures for a new “Suicide in Construction Awareness” proclamation during the Florida Transportation