

Ready. Set. Go. Book Your Room for the Annual Conference

            MITA’s Annual Conference is scheduled for January 18-19, 2023. The room block for MITA’s 2023 Annual Conference is set to open on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 9:00 am and rooms can be reserved one of two ways. 1. Call Soaring Eagle’s central reservations

Welcome MITA’s New Staff Member: Lindsay Leonard

Lindsay Leonard is MITA’s latest staff addition, and as Administrative Coordinator she will be responsible for meeting the needs of MITA members in many areas of the association. Her primary function is to help expand efficiencies in the MITA office by providing support services to staff and members. Lindsay will

“Cement Supply Disruptions” Are a Real Thing

Over the course of the last few months MITA has been hearing from many members around the state that they are encountering situations where they are unable to get or produce concrete when needed to make planned concrete pours on projects. Based on letters the redi-mix suppliers have provided to

US DOT & Michigan Bonding Education Program FY 2022 Cohort

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT), in partnership with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Surety and Fidelity Association of America (SFAA) The Bonding Education Program (BEP) is a hands-on, multi-component program designed to address what businesses need to do to become bond-ready, obtaining capital and eliminate barriers

PAC Donor Spotlight – Kaltz Excavating, Inc./M.U.E.

Another long-standing supporter company of the MITA PAC has answered the call to action and has come up huge, helping us reach over $233,000 towards our year end goal of $250,000. Kaltz Excavating / M.U.E. Incorporated had 12 employees contribute this year! Kaltz Excavating and M.U.E. have been long, strong

PAC Donor Spotlight – P.K. Contracting

As we round out the third quarter of the calendar year, we are coming close to our final goal of raising $250,000 for the MITA PAC. We have raised over $206,000 to date for the PAC. Our next MITA PAC Spotlight company is P.K. Contracting. P.K. Contracting has been a

PAC Donor Spotlight – Florence Cement

This edition of the MITA PAC Donor Spotlight features Florence Cement Company. They have recognized the importance of MITA’s efforts for long-term sustainable infrastructure investments and have stepped up to help the cause and have helped us get closer and closer to our overall goal of raising $250,000 for the

MDOT & MITA to Host APCM Forum – September 26th

MDOT and MITA will be hosting a AASHTOWare Project Construction and Materials Forum to discuss APCM pilot project experiences, any contractor concerns with full APCM implementation, and/or any ideas for improvements. MDOT plans to fully implement APCM (MDOT’s replacement for FieldManager) this fall/winter on trunkline projects. Please consider attending this
MITA in the News

Fox News: Michigan weighs work zones cameras to catch speeders, slow traffic

(FOX 2) – The next ticket you get in Michigan may come in the mail instead of at a traffic stop, according to a bill that would modify how speeding in work zones are policed. You’d be flagged for speeding, the violation would have happened in a construction zone, and the offense would be caught on

FY 2022 Informational Meeting for USDOT’s Bonding Education Program (BEP) in Michigan

REGISTER TO ATTEND Virtual Session MS Teams The US Department of Transportation (USDOT), in partnership with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Surety and Fidelity Association of America (SFAA) Presents FY 2022 Informational Meeting for USDOT’s Bonding Education Program (BEP) in Michigan September 29, 2022 – 2 PM

PAC Donor Spotlight – Anlaan Corporation

This edition of the MITA PAC Donor Spotlight recognizes the Anlaan Corporation. Anlaan has been a long standing, consistent supporting company of the PAC and this year went above and beyond with six employees contributing to the PAC! Several companies have promoted the MITA PAC company wide and have seen

MDOT e-Ticketing – Pilots Needed

MDOT has planned to pilot e-Ticketing during the 2022 construction season, with the hopes of adding the Special Provision (found here) to projects upon request. MDOT has notified MITA that they are still in need of pilot projects to help them better assess the future implementation of e-ticketing based on