
MDOT recently announced they plan to pilot e-Ticketing during the 2022 construction season. MDOT anticipates utilizing e-ticketing on one to three projects per TSC with the goal that e-ticketing experience can be gained for aggregates, concrete, and HMA. The pilot special provision will be added by contract modification upon mutual

Editorial: Rising road costs will put Michigan farther behind The Detroit News Published 11:00 p.m. ET April 20, 2022 As the snow finally clears up and the orange cones return to roads around the state, Michigan Department Transportation officials are reassessing projects in its five-year plan due to rising material

MITA’s 2022-2023 Member Directory and Buyer’s Guide is at the printer! Once it is printed and mailed next month, each MITA member company headquarters and each branch location will receive a free directory. You can place an order for additional directories ($25 per directory) by emailing Nancy Brown at nancybrown@thinkmita.org.

MDOT recently posted a Contractor Announcement notifying bidders that MDOT now requires a designated e-mail contact for Contractor Payments and payment-related items for all construction projects. Please click here to view MDOT’s Contractor Announcement. If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Bukoski at glennbukoski@thinkmita.org, or Rachelle VanDeventer at rachellevandeventer@thinkmita.org,

April 14, 2022, WILX Television Report: Michigan roads cost drivers $4,845 in vehicle repairs annually It will cost households $873 a year to improve roads By Cody Butler Michigan’s deteriorating roads are costing Michiganders about $4,845 every year in repairs. A new report shows it will cost even more if nothing changes in

Effective Monday, April 18, 2022, 6 a.m., weight restrictions will be lifted on all state trunkline highways from the southern Michigan border north to and including M-72 from the intersection with M-22, in the Village of Empire, Leelanau County, then east on M-72 to US-131 in the Village of Kalkaska