
Conversations continue on long-term road funding solutions in response to Governor Whitmer’s $3.5 billion transportation bonding proposal approved in February. Earlier this week, the House Republicans introduced legislation to remove sales tax on motor fuel over three years while adding a revenue neutral excise tax to motor fuel. with all

MDOT has issued a memorandum defining the construction suspension periods for the 2020 Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day holidays. Click here to view the MDOT memorandum. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Glenn Bukoski at the MITA office at 517-347-8336 or by email at glennbukoski@thinkmita.org.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 5, 2020 CONTACT: Angela Minicuci, APR (517) 485-6600, Mobile (248) 765-0558 aminicuci@martinwaymire.com Pothole Madness Bracket Challenge launched during March Madness Resident who submits state’s worst pothole receives $1,000 tire gift card LANSING, Mich. – While pothole frustrations run rampant year-round for Michiganders, no season is more

MITA, in conjunction with the Office of the Governor, The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, MDOT, Michigan Concrete Association, the County Road Association, Michigan Aggregate Association, Michigan Works!, AIS of Lansing, Michigan CAT, Michigan Construction, the Asphalt Pavement Association, Going Pro, WLNS-TV, and Nexstar, are coordinating five hiring

The Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) has recently released a new Asset Management Readiness Assessment Tool – a scale aimed at helping infrastructure owners understand, measure, and advance their asset management capabilities. This important measuring scale will be essential for local communities in understanding what infrastructure assets they have and what plans to maintain

MITA, along with Michigan Construction, MDOT, the Michigan Aggregate Association, the County Road Association, the Asphalt Pavement Association of Michigan, Michigan Concrete Association, Michigan Works!, and AIS, is hosting multiple hiring events during the months of March & April. These events are for infrastructure employers who are looking to hire