
Effective immediately, the industry (MITA and its’ road building contractors) will end the defensive lockout of all International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE 234) employees and go back to work. This end of the almost month-long lockout comes after a week of meetings initiated and facilitated by

THIS IS AN UPDATE TO YESTERDAY EVENING’S BULLETIN. PLEASE NOTE THE BOLDED SENTENCE IN THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH. This bulletin is follow-up to our Friday, September 21st bulletin and is intended to give you guidance on responding to MDOT’s letter denying requests to suspend projects and notices or actual requests for

This bulletin is a follow-up to our Friday, September 21st bulletin and is intended to give you guidance on responding to MDOT’s letter denying requests to suspend projects and notices or actual requests for time extensions or additional compensation. The MDOT letter may be from a Local Agency if you

All MITA POA contractors who received the MDOT “Certified Payrolls, Deficient Notice 1” as a prime contractor or a subcontractor will soon be required to submit their response to that notice inquiry as the 30-day response deadline approaches. Linked below is a sample response letter we are recommending that all

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Nystrom, Executive VP Sept. 20, 2018 OE 324 Leaders Falsely Claim that MITA Rejected an Agreement to Restart Road Work “The Union Leaders are Flat out Lying” This statement is from Mike Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA). Nystrom is commenting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Nystrom, Executive VP September 21, 2018 MITA, National Guard Working on How to Bring National Guard in to Restart Road Projects This statement is from Mike Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA). Nystrom is commenting on discussions now

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Nystrom, Executive VP September 21, 2018 MITA, National Guard Working on How to Bring National Guard in to Restart Road Projects This statement is from Mike Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA). Nystrom is commenting on discussions

he Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) requires notice of a labor dispute within five days of its initiation. Therefore, as a contractor who has locked out OE 324 employees, you must notify the UIA that a labor dispute (lockout) has been initiated by the end of business, Friday, September 7th. We recommend that you get

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Nystrom, Executive Vice President August 31, 2018 MITA Comments on the Defensive Lockout of Operating Engineers, Local 324 The following statement is from Michael Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association (MITA), commenting on the union’s refusal to hold a

The Detroit News, August 30, 2018 By Christine Ferretti Some Michigan road projects could be halted beginning Tuesday amid plans to lock out unionized road builders by an association representing dozens of contractors following stalled labor negotiations. The Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association in a Thursday letter to the Operating Engineers Local