
During the last week of session, the Michigan Legislature approved aviation fuel changes which would dedicate 2 percent of the sales tax on aviation fuel to aviation purposes and split those funds, as well as the current 3 cents per gallon tax, between the Aeronautics Fund, overseen by the Aeronautics

This week, Congress passed a five-year surface transportation program reauthorization bill that will have another positive impact on Michigan’s heavy construction industry. The “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act” (FAST Act) passed both chambers of Congress on December 3rd, and the President’s office has indicated that President Obama will sign it

The following updates were made to the Construction Manual located at: http://mdotwiki.state.mi.us/construction/index.php/Main_Page Division 1, Section 107, Heading Prevailing Wage Oversight Procedures, Title Jobsite Posting – Jobsite poster examples have been incorporated. Division 1, Section 150, Heading Measurement and Payment – Mobilization payment instructions have been incorporated. Language has been added noting that all projects within

The MDOT Division of Operations recently issued the following SOA: SOA 2015-001 – Andy’s Law Signing Policy Update This SOA, as well as any previously issued SOA can be viewed and printed by clicking here. If you have any questions or comments contact Glenn Bukoski at glennbukoski@mi-ita.com or Rachelle

MITA is pleased to announce that Rachelle VanDeventer, P.E., has joined our staff as Vice President of Industry Relations. Rachelle replaces Douglas Needham, P.E., who is the new executive director of the Michigan Aggregate Association. Rachelle most recently was employed by the Michigan Department of Transportation as the

November has been an amazing month for MITA and the entire heavy/highway construction industry. Not only did the Legislature finally pass a much needed and comprehensive long-term road funding plan, but the Governor signed the package of bills at the MITA headquarters in Okemos, with numerous public officials, MITA members