

FINALLY – Michigan Legislature Passes $1.2 Billion Roads Plan

An effort that MITA has been working on for nearly a decade finally came to a conclusion late Tuesday night as the House concurred on a road and bridge plan the Senate had sent over earlier in the day, increasing the investment levels to Michigan’s transportation system by over $1.2

MITA Commissions Professional Assessment of Underground Infrastructure in Michigan From PSC

In the aftermath of the recent Flint Water Crisis, the underground challenges and problems Michigan will face in the coming years have not gone unnoticed by MITA. Drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems across the state are aging and deteriorating at an alarming rate. MITA believes that a proactive, comprehensive

Part 35 – Confined Space

Part 35 is finally here, sort of. Construction Safety Standard Part 35 is a new standard that covers confined spaces in construction. It was adopted from Federal OSHA by MIOSHA and was filed with the Secretary of State on Oct. 22, 2015. Part 35 took effect in Michigan on Oct.

Significant Movement On Road Funding In Michigan Legislature

On Wednesday evening, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a road funding proposal that will increase investment levels for Michigan’s transportation system by $1.2 billion annually once fully implemented. The revenues would be generated by a combination of the following: a gas tax increase, registration fee increases and reprioritizing the

Mike Nystrom Pens Op-Ed Highlighting Underground Infrastructure Problems

The recent Flint Water Crisis has brought to light the growing problems our underground infrastructure faces across the state. Due to a combination of the passage of time and a lack of investment, our underground sewer and water pipes are aging and deteriorating at an alarming rate. To bring attention

UPDATED Employment Application Now Available

To keep you in compliance with OFCCP requirements, MITA has made recent changes to its online employment application. This new employment application should be implemented immediately. We have added an anti-discrimination notice to the Equal Employment Opportunity Questionnaire which includes gender identity and sexual orientation. We have deleted all references

Send Us Your UNDERGROUND Photos!

In light of the on-going Flint Water Crisis, the media and voters around the state are getting an education on the deteriorating condition of Michigan’s underground infrastructure. The Flint Water Crisis has shined a spotlight on the extremely negative consequences of not investing in our underground pipes and sewers, the

Did You Know: MITA Can Help You Publish Stolen Equipment Notices

Many members experience equipment theft on the job site quite frequently. This is an unfortunate occurrence, and MITA is more than willing to help spread the word in an effort to help recover the stolen items. If a piece of equipment is stolen from your job site, please do the

Free Webinar for Nonmetallic Mineral Crushers

Free Air Quality and the Nonmetallic Mineral Crushing Industry Webinar   Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT   The nonmetallic mineral crushing industry, especially in regard to portable crushing, is one with specific requirements that are sometimes slightly different than that of a typical stationary source.

MITA Organizes Effort to Help Flint Residents with Water Crisis

MITA today announced a financial donation to help the citizens of Flint with their water crisis, and we are encouraging MITA members to support this effort.   Johnny Watkins, who works for Tyme Engineering in Livonia, contacted MITA last week to see if we could help mobilize an effort to

MITA Success – “Flag Person” Wages Corrected

After months of discussion, MITA has been successful in convincing the U.S. Department of Labor that the “Flag Person” rate they have been publishing in the Michigan “MI1, Highway” wage determination was without basis and published in apparent error.   Effective with the October 2, 2015 publication of the Michigan

Doug Needham Appointed to President of the Michigan Aggregate Association

Doug Needham has been appointed President of the Michigan Aggregate Association. He is succeeding Mike Newman, who has successfully led the aggregate industry for the past 21 years. Needham, MITA’s current Vice President of Industry Relations, will officially start his new role on November 2, 2015 and will work closely