

Tomorrow ~ Vote YES on Proposal 1 on May 5th!

We are ONE DAY OUT! Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for since the new year: Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Make sure that you and your company are ready to vote TOMORROW. Keep these tips in mind to have a smooth Election Day: 1.    Make sure you’ve made arrangements

MDOT Contractor Announcement – Flag Person Wages

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) recently posted a “Contractor Announcement” for the clarification of flag person wages.  This clarification that affects the February 6, 11, 12, March 6, and April 3, 8, 2015 lettings states the following: Prime contractors are hereby notified of a conflict in wage documents issued

Why Vote YES On Proposal 1

We are less than a week out from the historic May 5th vote for Proposal 1. Are you looking for more educational resources to help your employees understand why a YES vote is important for your company and them. A few members have asked for just one more piece to

Temporary Signs – Proper Method to Lay Down

There are numerous times throughout a construction project when temporary signs (placed on temporary sign stands) are put into and out of service.  When they are out of service, MDOT has observed improper lay down procedures and is requesting that this practice be stopped immediately as it compromises the safety

Legislative: Proposal 1 Update

Strong momentum is continuing to build for Proposal 1 and the Safe Roads YES campaign. We MUST keep the faith and continue to work hard to educate the public, as well as all staff and employees, friends and family members on the importance of supporting Proposal 1 on May 5th.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s northern long-eared bat decision

On April 1, 2015, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced that it is listing the northern long-eared bat as a threatened species with an interim 4(d) rule under the Endangered Species Act.  The interim 4(d) rule provides maximum benefit to the species while also providing reasonable limits to

Michigan Infrastructure Conference – June 4, 2015

For those interested in learning about how infrastructure can drive economic development through emerging or expanding markets, creative leadership, new technologies and unique solutions developed by practitioners, facility/infrastructure developers and owners and/or those in need of obtaining continuing education credits to fulfill your Professional Engineers License obligations plan on attending

MDOT Names Administrator of Office of Business Development

MDOT Names Administrator of Office of Business Development   MDOT’s Chief Operations Officer, Greg Johnson, recently announced the selection of Lisa Thompson as the Office of Business Development (OBD) Administrator.   Lisa brings 26 years of MDOT experience, most recently as OBD’s Acting Administrator, as well as their Reports and

New Prop 1 Ad Released!

Safe Roads YES released another ad today in support of Proposal 1. To date, a combined total of six ads and two informational/educational videos have been released. You can see every ad and video by going to the Proposal 1 Quick Links page on the MITA website. We strongly encourage

NEW Affordable Care Act Related IRS Reporting Requirements

MEMORANDUM TO:       MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE:   April 14, 2015 RE:        NEW Affordable Care Act Related IRS Reporting Requirements Recently, your company may have received Form 1095-A or B, which requests information required under the Affordable Care Act. Many union healthcare fund

Let’s Get Creative With Our GOTV Efforts!

We are rapidly approaching Election Day: Tuesday, May 5, 2015. It is SO important that everyone does their part to Get Out The Vote with their employees. Some members have taken matters into their own hands by deciding to give their employees the morning off or to start the workday a few

An Update From The Campaign

Thank you for your support of Safe Roads Yes and Proposal 1. Governor Snyder and the campaign have been traveling across the state holding town halls, attending editorial board meetings and sharing pieces of the road trying to educate people about Proposal 1 and the importance of Voting YES on