Many members have recently asked if campaign/coalition bumper stickers were going to be available for ordering. In two weeks, MITA will have a fresh supply of bumper stickers available for members to order.We respectfully request that members only order a maximum of 50 stickers from MITA so to make sure
It’s been a very positive week for Proposal 1 and the campaign/coalition backing it. Official campaign filing reports were due on Tuesday, February 17, and MI Citizens for Safer Roads and Better Schools could proudly and publicly display their $3.2 million war chest. Thanks to the contributions of certain MITA members, that
Over the last month and a half, close to 60 MITA members have stepped up to contribute to the success of the Proposal 1 ballot campaign. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for all members to contribute what they can to this cause. No amount is too
This May, the industry and the entire state of Michigan have a huge opportunity to invest in roads and getting out the YES vote will play a huge role in ensuring success. It’s already February, so May is just around the corner. It’s imperative that everyone who is NOT registered
MITA has recently been informed that the FHWA will be focusing their 2015 construction oversight reviews on the following items: • Critical Path Management (CPM) – FHWA will monitor timely submittal of CPMs and revised CPMs, when appropriate. • Maintaining Pedestrian Traffic – FHWA will monitor ADA compliance with pedestrian detours and impacts to
Undoubtedly, most of the MITA membership has read a few negative pieces in the media regarding Proposal 1 and the campaign to support a yes vote. Over the next 95 days, (that’s right, we have less then 100 days until the most important election to the industry occurs), there will
During the lame duck session debate regarding road funding, several other measures were passed on the condition of passage of Proposal 1 on May 5th. A few of those pieces of legislation affect the trucking industry. Throughout the road funding debate over the past several years, there was significant public
On January 12, Governor Rick Snyder officially signed into law legislation to increase transportation funding by $1.2 billion each and every year, securing necessary funding for Michigan’s infrastructure for decades to come. This was certainly a major milestone in the journey toward securing permanent long-term funding for the roads and
This one day introductory training course discusses proper procedures for underground pipe installation and inspection on Michigan Department of Transportation projects and projects with state or federal funding. The following topics are presented in this training course as they apply to the installation of culverts, storm sewer, underdrain, and drainage
ATTENTION E-VERIFY USERS – USCIS TO BEGIN DISPOSING OF TIME SENSITIVE RECORDS By: Linda J. Armstrong, Butzel Long Employers who use E-verify should know the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that on January 1, 2015, they will dispose of E-verify records that are over 10 years old.
A multi-layered proposal to raise $1.2 billion for roads was approved by the House and Senate early this morning. Although MITA was let down not to resolve the transportation funding issue through a pure legislative fix, the proposal is a seismic shift on a number of levels that will ultimately
MITA’s aggressive efforts to get the Legislature to pass a road funding solution before the end of this year are continuing this week, and we need YOUR HELP. The House and Session are in session, and road funding is still at the top of the list. You can be of