
Frequently Used Special Provision (FUSP)/ Notice to Bidders (NTB) Update MDOT has recently made the noted changes that will be in effect with the October 3, 2014 letting. The following 2012 SPs have been updated: 12SP-104B-02 High Visibility Clothing 12SP-107B-02 NPDES Inspection and Response 12SP-204A-02 Asbestos Removal and Disposal 12SP-208A-02

To: Utility Distribution Contractors From: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary Date: July 9, 2014 Re: Letter to Operating Engineers, Local 324 The attached letter was sent to Douglas Stockwell, Operating Engineers, Local 324 in response to their letter that was sent to signatory contractors of the MITA Distribution Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on

To: Utility Distribution Contractors From: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary Date: July 9, 2014 Re: Letter to Operating Engineers, Local 324 The attached letter was sent to Douglas Stockwell, Operating Engineers, Local 324 in response to their letter that was sent to signatory contractors of the MITA Distribution Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on

TO: All MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael Nystrom, Executive Vice President DATE: May 29, 2014 RE: Operating Engineers Local 324 Exclusive Hiring Hall Letter Recently you should have received a letter from Operating Engineers Local 324 regarding their Exclusive Hiring Hall plan. Click here for plan. This is a new, sincere initiative by Local

By Eric Flessland Shareholder, Butzel Long Recently, the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a strategic plan for work site enforcement. One of the key initiatives of the plan is enforcement of U.S. immigration-related employment laws, and aggressively pursuing employers who violate the law – even

The Michigan Supreme Court recently sided with the Michigan Department of Treasury with a sales and use tax ruling that will have far-reaching implications for the everyday consumer and for all business-to-business transactions. The Courts’ ruling now allows the Department of Treasury to collect both the 6% sales tax and the 6%

Frequently Used Special Provision (FUSP)/ Supplemental Specification (SS) Update MDOT has recently made the noted changes to the following frequently used special provision and will be in effect with the September 5, 2014 letting. The following 12 SP have been added: 12SP102(E) Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Information at Time of Bid

The Michigan Legislature left for their summer recess after a long week of session, without solving Michigan’s inadequate infrastructure funding problem, leaving the current crisis to continue to loom. Several proposals were considered throughout the last few weeks, but at the end of the day, the legislature couldn’t muster up

The legislature will break for summer recess soon, and with that break comes the opportunity to invite legislators to construction jobsites in their home districts. Construction season is already in full swing across the state, and many of you are working on projects that are vital to the state’s infrastructure.

We encourage all companies involved in this unfortunate situation to send their employees to this website regularly in order to get the most timely and factual pieces of information surrounding this ongoing labor situation. It is during times like these that many false, untrue and unsubstantiated rumors begin to circulate