MITA COVID-19 Statement To Governor Whitmer

The following statement was sent to Governor Gretchen Whitmer today, following a majority vote of the MITA Board of Directors: March 27, 2020 Dear Governor Whitmer, Earlier this morning, the MITA Board of Directors passed a motion by majority vote stating that “MITA...


Toebe Construction LLC has reported that a Caterpillar 305E2 Mini Excavator was stolen around 4:00 a.m. at their job site on Milwaukee and I-94 in Detroit. A police report was made and the case number is pending. The equipment information is as follows:...

MDOT COVID-19 Message & MITA Recommendations

Late Tuesday afternoon, MDOT’s Chief Operations Officer, Tony Kratofil, sent the following email message to the industry association partners: “Industry Partners, I know there have been lots of questions and confusion regarding the implications of Executive Order...