COVID-19/Coronavirus In Michigan: Helpful Tips for Employers

With the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus across the globe, around the country and now in Michigan, some important information has been made available that we would like to share with our members regarding steps to take if an employee becomes ill, as well as other...


On Sunday, March 1, 2020, MITA member Major Cement Co. reported that their building was broken into and that several trucks and pieces of equipment were stolen.  The following pieces are still missing: 2016 Cat H65S Skid Steer Hammer 2015 Rayco RG45 Stump Grinder SN:...

It’s A Party & You’re Invited!

Come celebrate 50 years of service to the community. MISS DIG 811 is inviting you to a FREE family friendly event. There’s something for everyone! Kids: Watch movies on the score board, run around the bases, dig for eggs, games, giveaways, Wiffle ball, Jungle...