Latest Infrastructure News Summary Now Available

The latest compilation of infrastructure news articles are now available.   We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read through them and stay up to date on issues pertaining to infrastructure around the state.   Click here to download the PDF....

Send Us Your Philanthropy Stories and Photos

Throughout the years, MITA members have been active in their communities and abroad donating their time, efforts, and funding to help build infrastructure projects, or assist in recovery efforts after major hurricanes and flooding.  Most recently, MITA member Kamminga...

Two Students Earn 2016 MITA Scholarships!

MITA is pleased to announce that two individuals are the proud recipients of the 2016 MITA scholarship(s). This was the inaugural year of the MITA Scholarship Fund, and it was wonderful to receive so many qualified applications for the scholarship(s).   This...

Send Us Your UNDERGROUND Photos!

In light of the on-going Flint Water Crisis and the issues it has raised across the state, members of the media and Michigan residents are getting an eye-opening education on the deteriorating condition of our overall underground infrastructure. The Flint Water Crisis...