Cone Police Are Coming!

“MIOSHA Launches Campaign To Prevent Roadway Accidents” is the title of a recent communication released by LARA. In 2018, nine of the 38 workplace fatalities in Michigan involved individuals being struck by vehicular equipment. Please remember that MIOSHA covers ALL...

MIOSHA Safety Equipment Grant Program

Are you looking to improve and update your safety equipment? The MIOSHA Workplace Improvement to Safety and Health (MIWISH) Program awards employers in the state of Michigan a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $5,000, to qualifying employers for projects designed to...

Safety and Health Program Available

Many of the regulations and standards that impact the heavy construction industry have been updated over the last few years. This prompted MITA to scrap the old and develop the new! MITA’s new health and safety program consists of all the core industry requirements...

Sponsor National Work Zone Awareness Week Today!

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of the construction season to encourage safe driving through work zones. Each year, MDOT and roadway safety partners throughout Michigan hold a National Work Zone Awareness Week...