

CA/BFS Update

Construction Advisory (CA) Update The MDOT Construction Field Services Division recently issued the following CA: CA 2014-07 – Timely Processing of Contract Modifications This CA, as well as any previously issued CAs, can be viewed and printed by clicking here. Bridge Field Services Advisory (BFS) Update MDOT recently published the following

House Passes $450 Million Road Funding Plan

In what is being called a “first step” towards a full and comprehensive road funding plan, the Michigan House passed a 10-bill package that added an additional $450 million to the transportation budget. In addition to more revenue, several bills that deal with warranties, competitive bidding, vehicle registration fees and

Field Manual for Structural Bolting

MDOT in cooperation with the University of Michigan has developed a Field Manual for Structural Bolting.  This manual provides guidance on all structural bolting applications for bridges, light standards, signal poles and sign support structures. Click here to view MDOT Field Manual for Structural Bolting If you have any questions

MDOT Traffic Regulator Training Webinar

On June 5, 2014 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, the Center for Technology & Training is hosting a webinar during which MDOT will present on proper traffic regulating procedures as set forth in the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) – Part 6 Temporary Traffic Control; and

Grassroots Push: It’s official! It is now easier to contact your legislators!

Several weeks ago you were given the necessary information to contact your legislators via email about investing in Michigan’s infrastructure. One of our member companies, Ajax Paving, took the assignment one step further by investing in a link on their website, making it simple to contact your legislators with a

MITA Guidance for Police Presence in Work Zones

There are many safety features outlined in the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, ranging from traffic drums to temporary traffic barriers that are designed to help identify the work zone and protect the construction workforce.  However, one of the most effective traffic calming devices (the one that appears

MDOT Hosts Intelligent Compaction Data Management Workshop – June 11, 2014

On June 11, 2014, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, MDOT is hosting a one-day workshop for Intelligent Compaction Data Management (ICDM) at the Construction Field Services Division (formerly C&T – 8885 Ricks Road, Lansing, MI, 48909) office. For more information about the workshop click here. There are a limited number

MITA Improves Preconstruction Meetings

During an open discussion that took place at a preconstruction meeting, a contractor shared concerns about a plan error that would ultimately require a contract modification.  Discussion regarding this change eventually moved toward anticipated cost, and the contractor did not agree with the presented conditions.  This disagreement ultimately led to

MDOT Posts Request for Statements of Qualifications for Design-Build Project

MDOT Posts Request for Statements of Qualifications for Design-Build Project – University Drive over I-75, Oakland County The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has recently posted a request for Statements of Qualifications for the Reconstruction of the University Drive over I-75 Interchange by constructing a Diverging Diamond Interchange along with

Grassroots Push: We’ve Made It Easier To Contact Your Legislators!

Several weeks ago you were given the necessary information to contact your legislators via email about investing in Michigan’s infrastructure. One of our member companies, Ajax Paving, took the assignment one step further by investing in a link on their website, making it simple to contact your legislators with a

MDOT Announces Design-Build Project

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design/Build procurement method to deliver an interchange replacement project in the Metro Region.  MDOT plans to short-list at least three teams, but no more than five teams, as part of this procurement.   The project is located in Auburn Hills,

Legislature Takes First Step To Break Transportation Funding Logjam

Speaker of the House Jase Bolger revealed a new plan to raise much needed revenue for the state’s infrastructure system at a press conference yesterday afternoon. The Speaker’s plan proposes taking the portion of the sales tax that currently goes to the General Fund, in addition to taking some of