VOICE YOUR OPINION ON HIGHWAY ROBBERY In a recent Legislative bulletin MITA reported that the Michigan House of Representatives had passed a “reverse-supplemental” that would take $10 million from the State Transportation Budget and transfer it to the Michigan Department of State (Secretary of State). The article also discussed the
On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, with other business intermixed, the Senate returned to consideration of SAFETEA. It is certain that much of this week’s business will be tied up in discussions about the supplemental appropriations measure and judges. It is also becoming clearer that the Senate will complete their consideration
MITA Supports Efforts to Increase Use of Water Quality Bonds The Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association expressed its support May 3rd for efforts to increase the utilization of the Great Lakes Water Quality Bonds approved by voters in 2002. The proposal designated $1 billion to repair and replace municipal sewer
Granholm Announces Proposal to Boost Construction Jobs Details of a proposal to help boost the state’s employment picture, especially with construction jobs by speeding up construction and repair of roads, redeveloping of schools and nursing homes and boosting both environmental clean ups and downtown developments, were unveiled by Governor Granholm
AMENDMENT TO OPERATING ENGINEERS AGREEMENT UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION ONLY! After years of deliberation, the Operating Engineers have agreed to amend the collective bargaining agreement for underground construction. The counties of Ingham, Jackson and Lenawee will be moved from Zone 1 to Zone 2 effective May 18, 2005.
The Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association expressed their opposition April 19 to the practice of shifting funds out of the Michigan Transportation Fund to bolster the budgets of other state departments. Legislation was approved in the Michigan House of Representatives the week of April 11 that took away $10 million
LEGISLATION MAY HELP MOVE SEWER BOND MONEY The House Committee on Local Government and Urban Affairs recently approved legislative changes (HB 4572-4573) intended to stimulate greater and quicker use of the $1 billion in sewer bonds approved by voters in 2002. Only $1.5 million of the first $100 million in
In response to construction worker safety concerns raised by MITA and the Michigan Laborers’ District Council, MDOT will not issue the proposed Bureau of Highways Instructional Memorandum 2005-B, Guidelines to Establish Speed Limits in Work Zones. The “draft” Instructional Memorandum was approved by MDOT’s Engineering Operations Committee on March 3,
Federal Transportation Funding Reauthorization Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved, by a vote of 417 – 9, a $284 billion highway bill that would boost road funds coming to Michigan by an average of nearly $200 million over the next five years. In all, TEA LU (HR3) promises
Page: 1 NO: LABOR – 001 Date: 3/9/05 Circulation: Contractor Labor List Teamster Wage & Fringe Adjustment Effective 04-01-05 Underground Teamster Agreement wage & fringe adjustment effective April 1, 2005. The following represents the wage & fringe benefit adjustments effective April 1, 2005 for underground construction being performed in the
Page: 1 NO: LABOR – 001 Date: 3/9/05 Circulation: Contractor Labor List Teamster Wage & Fringe Adjustment Effective 04-01-05 Underground Teamster Agreement wage & fringe adjustment effective April 1, 2005. The following represents the wage & fringe benefit adjustments effective April 1, 2005 for underground construction being performed in the
Presentations made to business leaders and local officials Recently, MITA staff was featured at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce Mid-Winter Legislative Conference held in Lansing. The audience consisted of a large contingent of local chamber of commerce representatives from across the state. MITA was also invited to speak at a