

National Work Zone Memorial to be featured at Clare Welcome Center during July 4 holiday

This Fourth of July holiday weekend, Clare Welcome Center patrons will be able to view a special memorial for those lost in work zone crashes. The memorial currently features 1,602 names of road workers, drivers, pedestrians, law enforcement and other first responders, and children, and is updated yearly with additional

Fix MI State Legislative Ad Copy Update

The Fix MI State campaign has been ongoing since 2016. This year we’ve taken an active approach to its messaging. During the spring we focused on Fix MI State safely with a corresponding billboard campaign that will live on throughout the summer and into the fall thanks to financial support

Your Dues Dollars at Work

A large portion of the MITA budget is dedicated to churning the negative and positive issues that impact the membership. The following is a synopsis of the month of May and demonstrates many of the areas that were emphasized regarding the Fix MI State campaign. Click here to view the

PAC DONOR SPOTLIGHT – Toebe Construction

This week’s PAC Donor Spotlight company is Toebe Construction LLC. Toebe has been a long-standing supporter of the MITA PAC and this year is no different. The company had seven different employees donate to the PAC. Tom Stover Brad Stover Andy Stover Carrie Pennington Dave Fischer Jason Fowler Andy Thelen

Member Input Requested: SP for New “Made in America” Standards

MDOT has recently shared a draft Special Provision (SP) they have written for the purposes of compliance with the new federal “Made in America” standards for construction materials that is a part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The draft “Made in America” SP can be found here,

Commercial Fringe Form 3010-M and payment details

TO: Road Detroit Carpenters Signatory Contractors FROM: Robert Coppersmith, Executive Vice President DATE: June 16, 2022 RE: Commercial Fringe Form 3010-M and payment details Attached please find the approved Commercial Fringe Form 3010-M, the ACH wire transfer information and the website manual for on-line fringe submittal for Detroit Carpenters. If
Legislative, Membership, MITA in the News

MITA Opens Doors: Legislative and Media Access Update

As MITA continues to grow the MITA PAC Fund, it is our goal to keep our members informed on a regular basis of all we have been doing to keep the industry moving forward using our influence in the legislature and with the media.  Legislative Outreach Update Most recently, MITA’s

PAC Donor Spotlight-Action Traffic Maintenance

MITA members continue to step up for the MITA PAC. The PAC continues to grow towards our goal of $250,000 raised for 2022. We want to thank all of our donors and give some special recognition from time to time as donations come in through our “PAC Donor Spotlight”. As

MDOT 3D Bridge Pilot Training

MDOT’s first Digital Delivery pilot lets on August 5, 2022, and the contract documents will be a 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM) model in place of a 2D plan set. To assist bidders, MDOT is providing two training sessions on the 3D model – an optional session on June 22, 2022,
MITA in the News

‘It’s a gamble’: Contractors face concerns of cost for future road projects

ABC 12 News, June 13, 2022 GENESEE COUNTY, Mich. (WJRT) – Fixing the roads this year carries extra heavy prices. “It’s not only fuel, other materials have a rising cost going forward in the industry in MDOT are working well at trying to contain those costs,” said Rob Coppersmith, the

In Memoriam – Gian Taneja

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Gian Taneja. Gian was born on November 9, 1943 in India and passed away peacefully on June 11, 2022, in Lansing, Mich.. Gian was loved by his family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and community. He retired with 50 years of

Dan Babcock’s Legacy Lives On 

When Dan Babcock, founder of longtime MITA Member Give ‘Em a Brake Safety and a MITA Honorary Member, passed away in March of this year, his family named the MITA Scholarship Fund as a recipient of donations in his memory. To date, that fund has received in excess of $15,000,