
This week, before lawmakers went on their annual two-week Spring Break, the Legislature and Governor agreed to a historic infrastructure investment supplemental budget which invests $4.7 billion in long-neglected infrastructure including water infrastructure, dams, roads and bridges amongst other areas. The Legislature and Governor have found themselves in a unique

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends to allow the use of Alternate Technical Concepts (ATC) associated with the superstructure replacement (Warren Road over US-23) as part of a design-bid-build project in Washtenaw County. MDOT plans to advertise the project on April 15th, 2022 and anticipates that construction will take place

Clarification of the restriction update for Monday morning: Effective 6:00 a.m. Monday, March 21st, 2022 weight restrictions will be LIFTED on all state trunk lines from the southern Michigan border north to and including M-43 in the City of South Haven east to US-131 in Kalamazoo County then south to

Effective 6:00 a.m. Friday, March 18th, 2022 weight restrictions will be imposed and enforced on all state trunk line highways from the southern Michigan border north to and including US-2/US-141 at the Menominee River bridge west of Iron Mountain, then east on US-2 to St. Ignace. Weight restriction information and

The MITA Future Leader Development Program will provide accepted applicants with a broad-based educational and personal experience that will prepare them for future leadership roles within their own companies and the construction industry. Applicants should return the application form to Danielle Coppersmith at daniellecoppersmith@thinkmita.org. If you have questions about the

Today, the Michigan Senate passed House Bill 5570, legislation that suspends the state’s 27 cent per gallon gas tax for six months. This six-month suspension would create a loss of $750 million to the Michigan Transportation Fund. The measure passed the House last week in extreme quick fashion with the

Workforce development needs continue to be an important issue for the heavy/highway construction industry, and we know that MITA members are key to helping us close that gap across the state. Because your input is important and valued, MITA has developed and would like you to be a part of a survey designed to determine the

MDOT has issued a memorandum defining the construction suspension periods for the 2022 Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day holidays. Please click here to view the MDOT memorandum. If you have any questions, please contact Rachelle VanDeventer at rachellevandeventer@thinkmita.org, or call at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.