
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) recently issued an “Epidemic Order” to last three weeks starting 12:01 am Wednesday November 18, 2020 that would limit the amount of people that could gather and also prohibit inside dining at restaurants and bars. In addition, the order also prohibits

Recent spikes in the number of COVID -19 cases has increased the number of questions employers have had related to positive cases and employee exposures to the virus. MIOSHA still considers your workforce to be “critical infrastructure employees,” thus allowing the industry to operate under the CDC guidelines for said

During the pandemic, normal business operations have been interrupted in many ways. That is no more prevalent than with necessary transactions at Secretary of State (SOS) offices. The Legislature approved extensions for items like license renewals and vehicle registration renewals, however there are still some items that members need and

In the interest of keeping your job site up and running MITA will provide periodic updates concerning locating company contacts the following is the most up-to-date information concerning USIC. However, if you are having problems please do not hesitate to contact Rob Coppersmith at robcoppersmith@thinkmita.org with your questions or concerns.

MDOT’s Metro Region will host an informational virtual meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020, 1:30-3:30 PM, to solicit industry input on the project schedule and maintenance of traffic (MOT) for their upcoming I-96 Flex Route Project. Project Description Full reconstruction of all lanes and shoulders of the EB and

The state of Michigan through The Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) announced that they are releasing a grant to employers (individual companies) through Michigan Works! Agencies (MWA) to assist in training employees. Training programs must be short-term and fill a demonstrated talent need experienced by the employer. Employers

Legislation was recently signed into law, assigned Public Act 238 of 2020, that was intended to protect employers against retaliatory legal action from employees related to COVID-19. It is important to note that this legislation was not developed as a guidance tool for regulatory enforcement. However, upon review, MITA staff

MIOSHA recently released a set of Emergency Rules to establish requirements for employers to control, prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The most notable sections should be Rules 10 and 11 that pertain to training and recordkeeping requirements. Some further explanation of these rules is offered here by Sean