

MDOT Announces FY 2017 Transportation Program

At the September State Transportation Commission meeting MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.7 billion in their FY 2017 Transportation Program.  The focus of the FY 2017 capital investments will be infrastructure preservation, safe mobility of motorists, and efficient systems operations.  The multimodal program will invest $96.8 million in the

The Michigan Department of Transportation Host Spec Book Training

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will hold a Division 1 Roles, Rights and Responsibilities as a Prime Contractor training session on September 29, 2016.  The session will help you understand how to utilize the Standard Specifications for Construction (Spec Book) governing the materials, equipment and methods used in construction contracts

Latest Infrastructure News Summary Now Available

The latest compilation of infrastructure news articles is now available.   Click here to read the most recent summary.

AASHTOWare Project Bids Webinar

Infotech, Inc. will be hosting two webinars for training on the Bid Component of AASHTOWare Project Bids. The dates and times are as follows: Monday, September 12, 2016, 1:00 p.m. Monday, October 10, 2016, 10:00 a.m. To register for a webinar, visit https://www.infotechfl.com/webinar/bidx_training. Fill out the required information and select a

MDOT Issues Policy Regarding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

MDOT recently issued an initial policy statement that “strictly prohibits the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) or drones within MDOT’s Right-of-Way by MDOT employees, contractors and/or subcontractors, consultants and/or subconsultants, suppliers, local road authorities’ employees or their agents, and MDOT permit agents”. MITA will work with MDOT as they


MDOT will be implementing new bid preparation software, AASHTOWare Project Bids, beginning with the November 4, 2016 bid letting.  Please note that AASHTOWare Project Bids will be replacing Expedite. Click here to view MDOT’s CONTRACTOR ANNOUNCEMENT that provides the instructions on what you have to do to be ready to use the

Latest Infrastructure News Summary Now Available

The latest compilation of infrastructure news articles are now available.   We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read through them and stay up to date on issues pertaining to infrastructure around the state.   Click here to download the PDF.  

Primary Election Summary

The MITA PAC is very strategic when selecting which candidates to contribute to in primary elections. Primary elections can be very unpredictable at times, and often only those working specific campaigns with a front row seat to the ground game really know what outcomes may occur. This primary season was

Speaker of the House Says Prevailing Wage Repeal Is Off The Table

Repealing prevailing wage in Michigan has been a top priority for several legislative Republicans this year and in years past. The Michigan Senate passed a repeal of the prevailing wage laws a little over a year ago, but the measure hasn’t been taken up in the House. There are a

Updated MDOT Region & TSC Construction Contacts

The MDOT Region & TSC Construction Contacts List has recently been updated. Click here to download a copy today!

Seeking Industry Representation for a Digital Delivery Work Group

Transportation project development and delivery in Michigan has advanced significantly over the past decade.  Current infrastructure projects in Michigan rely on digital project delivery methods including, but not limited, the use of 3D engineered models, electronic engineering data, Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) and paperless contract administration.  There is a need
MITA in the News

Latest Underground News Summary Now Available

The latest underground news summary is now available.   Click here to read it.