

Improper Lifting Devices on Sign Covers

MDOT has recently observed an increased use of improper lifting devices (ex. 2”x4”) attached to temporary wood sign covers (see enclosed picture) and is requesting that this practice be stopped immediately as it compromises the crashworthiness of the sign cover due to the increased potential to cause damage to and/or

Ebola Virus Concerns Regarding the Utility Construction Workforce

For companies that have concerns re­garding the safety of workers active on utility and septic system projects and the pos­sibility of coming into contact with wastewater that could contain the Ebola Virus, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a document that may be helpful to employers regarding this

MDOT Announces FY 2015 Transportation Program

At the September State Transportation Commission meeting MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.62 billion in their FY 2015 Transportation Program.  The focus of the FY 2015 multimodal capital investments will be infrastructure preservation and safety with $92 million invested in the Aviation Program, $335 million in the Bus, Marine,

MITA Working on Your Behalf: Year in Review 2009

Click here for a list of MITA accomplishments during 2009 titled Working on Your Behalf. The list includes a compilation of successes and benefit/service enhancements by MITA in 2009. MITA is your association and works tirelessly and passionately on your behalf. Be assured that MITA will continue to work just

DBE Solicitation

You can advertise for DBE participation in upcoming projects on the MITA website, www.mi-ita.com. The MITA MBE/WBE/DBE Solicitations website has proven to be a successful on-line advertisement tool for soliciting DBE participation. Providing a well-accessed forefront for all solicitations, MDOT recognizes these posted advertisements as an approved part of your “Good Faith


This afternoon (Thursday, August 21st) MDOT will issue an addendum that will formally change the “Flag Person” wage and fringe published in the MI140001 General Wage Determination from a wage rate of $18.99 and fringe of $12.75 back to a wage rate of $7.25 and and a fringe of $0.

MITA Continues to Work the Media on Behalf of the Underground Industry

Although Monday’s flooding in was an unprecedented, catastrophic event that overwhelmed the sewer system and roads in the Detroit area, MITA recognized this news as an opportunity to remind the media and public that we need to prepare for the future by investing now in our underground infrastructure, as well

Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage – Attention Flag Person Rate Change!

On August 11, 2014, MDOT issued “AddendA-Wage Decision Updates” for the August 22, 2014 MDOT letting. Contained within the updated “MI14001 General Wage Determination, effective 8/1/2014” is a modified Flag Person wage ($18.99) and fringe ($12.75) rate that equates to a total package rate of $31.74 that is vastly different

MDOT Revises Form 2124A

Over the past few months, MITA has been hard at work trying to improve the functionality and ease of use of MDOT Form 2124A: “Prime Contractor Bi-Weekly Statement of Subcontractor/Supplier Payments.” To give you a brief history on how the revision came to be, MDOT formed a small workgroup a

Post Primary Election Update: Proposal 1 Passes

While many choose to ignore the primary and focus on the general elections that take place in November, the truth is that the primary is the diving board into the pool that is the general. The candidates all take a turn to jump and then the voters have the power

Executive Order – Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces

As a result of an Executive Order, signed by President Obama on July 31, 2014, prospective federal contractors will be required to disclose labor law violations from the past three years before they can get a contract. It should be pointed out that this Executive Order applies to Contractors that

MDOT Implements Revised “DBE Information at Time of Bid” Process

Beginning with the September 5, 2014 bid letting, and then with all subsequent bid lettings, MDOT will implement the revised “DBE Information at Time of Bid” process on projects with a DBE participation goal of 6% and greater. You will recall that the use of the previously implemented “DBE Information