
During this COVID-19/Coronavirus situation, please be aware that the building remains open so that MITA staff can continue to work and serve the needs of the MITA membership. Internally, please rest assured that we are constantly evaluating the situation and that we are making sure that we are doing everything

MDOT has posted a CONTRACTOR ANNOUNCEMENT – Submission of 1300EZ and 1382 Forms on its Bid Letting webpage for the April 3rd letting. Click here to view this CONTRACTOR ANNOUNCEMENT. If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Bukoski, VP of Engineering Services, at glennbukoski@thinkmita.org or 571-347-8336.

As new information is provided from the state and federal government, MITA staff will be sharing updates and links that might be useful for contractors/employers as they continue to move forward during these unprecedented times. The first article in this bulletin was authored by attorneys at McAlpine PC, which is a

MDOT’s Construction Field Services Division (CFS) has issued guidance for the conduct of Dispute Review Board (DRB) meetings on those projects where the DRB meetings are required by the incorporated Special Provision for Dispute Review Board. The CFS guidance is as follows: “In accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the

MDOT leadership has informed MITA that based on current orders and directions coming out of the federal government and the Governor’s office related to COVID-19, they do not plan to shut down or delay work on their construction projects or maintenance activities. Since the COVID-19 situation is continuously changing and

The Michigan Department of Transportation announced today that the department will exempt from seasonal weight restrictions motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance in support of relief efforts related to the COVID-19 outbreaks. “Knowing the importance of getting food and other supplies to retailers during this time, we are taking

To: MITA Safety Directors Group From: Greg Brooks, Director of Safety & Compliance Date: March 13, 2020 RE: Safety Directors Roundtable MITA will host a Safety Directors roundtable on April 30, 2020. A representative from MIOSHA Construction Safety and Health Division will be in attendance to discuss the National Emphasis

With the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus across the globe, around the country and now in Michigan, some important information has been made available that we would like to share with our members regarding steps to take if an employee becomes ill, as well as other preventative measures that can be put

If you advertised in the current MITA Membership Directory, you have already been contacted to renew your ad. If you have not responded yet, now is the time! Advertising space is available for a limited time only. Email Nancy Brown, MITA’s Director of Communications, today at nancybrown@thinkmita.org to advertise. The